Klein Geel Visje in een Zee van Blauw
Klein Geel Visje in een Zee van Blauw Title: Klein Geel Visje in een Zee van Blauw Date: 2024 Category: Book Design, Photography Size: 190 x 260 mm Pages: 72
Klein Geel Visje in een Zee van Blauw Title: Klein Geel Visje in een Zee van Blauw Date: 2024 Category: Book Design, Photography Size: 190 x 260 mm Pages: 72
Gazing, Without Looking. Being Looked At, But Not Seen. Title: Gazing, Without Looking. Being Looked At, But Not Seen. Date: 2023 Category: Research, Book Design, Photography Size: 320 x 240 mm Pages: 68 “You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.” — Margaret Atwood, The Robber Bride…
Bevande Title: Bevande, Volume 01 Date: 2022 Category: Book Design, Photography Size: 280 x 373 mm Pages: 208 “Transforming discarded, everyday objects into sculptural pieces of art.”
Recollection Title: Recollection Date: 2022 Category: Editorial Design, Photography Size: 19,6 x 27,7 cm “Everytime you remember something, the memory weakens, as you’re remembering the last recollection, rather than the memory itself. Nothing can remain intact. Still, it does not stop you from wanting, does not stop you from longing.” — Caleb Azumah Nelson, Open…
Cursed Photos Title: Cursed Photos, Volume 01 Date: 2022 Category: Editorial Design Size: 180 x 270 mm “The internet used to be an escape from the world, now it is the world.” Cursed Photos is an ever growing zine reacting on the absurdity of internet and visual culture. All photos are collected trough Pinterest, a…
WdKA Graduation Show Identity 2021 Title: WdKA Graduation Show 2021 Date: 2021 Client: Willem de Kooning Academy Category: Visual Identity, Campaign, Exhibition Design, Photography In collaboration with: Tijmen Buskermolen & Sanyu Fernandes Guided by: Renate Boere, Carmen de Groot & Lauren Brand “The colorful imagery distributed throughout the city is a dynamic reflection of the…
White Cube Title: White Cube Date: 2021 Category: Web Design, Editorial Design, Hybrid Publishing Size (of publication): 20 x 28,7 cm Size (of posters): 28,7 x 41 cm Website: White Cube (works best on desktop) “Diversity and representation is seen as a trend, something you can only commit to short-term.” White Cube is a conversation…
Zombie Formalism Title: Zombie Formalism: the Epitome of Art or a Sign of the Times? Date: 2020 Category: Visual Essay, Editorial Design Size: 21 x 9 cm Pages: 48 “Is art without meaning, besides reflecting the worlds current hyper-capatilistic state, still art or is it simply a sign of the times?” Zombie Formalism: the Epitome…
Seen, the Film Title: Seen, the Short Film Date: 2020 Category: Short Film, Campaign, Visual Identity, Type Design Concept: Richard Hausil, Deborah Kreeft, Esmé van de Broek, Sadie Girigorie, Dongjae Kim & Bobbie van Leeuwen Campaign: Bobbie van Leeuwen Production: Richard Hausil, Deborah Kreeft, Esmé van de Broek, Sadie Girigorie, Sebastiaan Ham, Mike Wagtelenberg, Dongjae…