- Title: WdKA Graduation Show 2021
- Date: 2021
- Client: Willem de Kooning Academy
- Category: Visual Identity, Campaign, Exhibition Design, Photography
- In collaboration with: Tijmen Buskermolen & Sanyu Fernandes
- Guided by: Renate Boere, Carmen de Groot & Lauren Brand
“The colorful imagery distributed throughout the city is a dynamic reflection of the merging and shaping of fascinations.”
Identity for the Willem de Kooning Academy graduation show, 2021, including: posters; social media content; routing and signing; banners; and much more.
The creative development of the graduates is not finished after graduation, the process, on the other hand, got a kick-start for a successful artistic practice. The colorful imagery distributed throughout the city is a dynamic reflection of the merging and shaping of fascinations; a process that is in constant motion and ongoing. The visuals, as a result, focus on the graduates themselves. They are, both as individuals and as a collective, representing something greater than themselves. They symbolize the diversity in fascinations of the collective of the graduates, all current students and all students in the future.
The concept is visualized through the use of abstract, animated patterns; portraits of the graduates merged with their fascinations by means of projection; minimalistic typography; and bright, vibrant colors.